Buying a Dental Practice Guidelines - Business Models

Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, never lose sight of the first rule in business (and in life): “More important that the deal is the person in the deal.”  If you associate with good people, good things tend to happen.  And vice versa.  When doctors buy or sell practices, the transactions tend to work based on the nature and good faith of the parties – not their written contracts.  This website will help you locate potential opportunities.  You then need to determine whether the person on the other side is right for you. 

The basic forms of sale transactions include the outright practice sale or partnership.  Often there is an associate period in advance so the junior doctor can get acclimated to the practice and the doctors have time to see whether they are a good fit for each other.  It’s best for both sides to be up front with each other about their intentions.  One doctor may be anticipating one thing and the other doctor something else.  If they reach an agreement up front, then the transaction should proceed smoothly.